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AQAI – The name is an abbreviation: “Angewandte Qualitätssicherung in Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin“ – High quality applied to anesthesia and intensive care medicine.

AQAI started as an initiative to improve quality in anesthesia and intensive care medicine. For more than 15 years they have hosted an information system on complications and critical incidents. Today it is one of the largest databases on these kinds of the world. In the simulation center Mainz this initiative gains advantages from putting theory into practice. This idea was realized not only for anesthesia but also for the entire field of medicine in an interdisciplinary manner. AQAI does training for various professions with all types of patient and virtual reality simulators. Today AQAI has the experience of more than 15 years of training and education in full-scale-patient-simulation. The team of 12 employees coming from anesthesia, intensive and emergency care medicine, mathematics and physics does more than 500 training days per year. AQAI is one of the largest private simulation centers in Europe.